Oil pressure sensor

The oil pressure sensor, or sending unit as some may call it, on the LS series engines, does have a tendency to go bad.

The oil pressure sending unit is located on the back of the block, near the firewall, behind the intake manifold, towards the driver side.  It is really hard to get to but not impossible. Follow the article and you'll see. Access it from the drivers' side.

You can get the one with the pig tail connector if your a cautious type. Some say your are better off replacing it while your already back there because the connectors do also go bad.

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The easiest way to get to it would be to take the intake manifold off. For obvious reasons that is not the most practical solution, unless you are already doing other work and have that removed already. 

To actually get to it you will need a few tools.

1 1/16" deep well socket

Wobble extension-4"

1/2" drive ratchet

The way I'm going to describe is exactly how I do it every time now, I found a way that works and repeat it.

Make sure the engine is cool.

You will only have enough room to reach one hand back there to reach the sensor.  Put your hand back there, from the drivers' side, reach past the top of the heads and coils, past the intake manifold. Disconnect the connector on the top of the sensor.

Connect the extension to the socket and reach it back there to put it on the sensor, then once it's on you can attach the ratchet to the extension.

There is not a lot of room to swing the ratchet, there is a small angle to ratchet it back and forth, you must have patience it will come off with a bit of time. 

Every time we do this we don't have enough room to attach the ratchet to the extension first. It always hits the firewall. That is why putting it on the sensor first is the only way we've found that works.

It does take a while to get it fully out just because there is not a lot of room to work back there.

When you have the old one out compare it to your new one , make sure the connectors are the same so you are sure and not have to take it out again.

not much room

You'll find the oil pressure sending unit behind the intake manifold, on the back of the block, near the firewall.


This exploded diagram shows exactly where it is at.